微比恩 > 信息聚合 > 考前多睡一小时,考试提高3.8分?


2021-12-20 11:23:47来源: 虎嗅网

转眼又到了期末,相信许多同学都在努力“预习”一学期的知识,但你可能没有想到考试前一天做的事情会影响你的考试成绩。考试前一天应该睡觉还是熬夜复习呢?我们来看看答案吧。参考文献:1. Estevan, Ignacio & Sardi, Romina & Tejera, Ana & Silva, Ana & Tassino, Bettina. (2021). Should I study or should I go (to sleep)? The influence of test schedule on the sleep behavior of undergraduates and its association with performance.2. Arnulf, I., Grosliere, L., Le Corvec, T., Golmard, J. L., Lascols, O., &a
